
Dublin: Macradh- ISR Youth Remember Kevin Barry

On November 1st activists from Macradh-ISR Youths Dublin Slua assembled on North King Street in Dublin at the spot of the Monks bakery ambush in which Kevin Barry was captured. The event was chaired bilingualy in Irish and English by a Macradh activist beginning with a minutes silence for comrade Ka Oris of the NPA […]


A Tribute to Ka Oris

Anti Imperialist Action Ireland extends its sincere condolences to the family, friends and Comrades of New People’s Army spokesman Jorge Madlos, known by his revolutionary name “Ka Oris”. For many socialist republicans in Ireland, Ka Oris has been the face of the Filipino revolution. The cause he gave a voice to is an inspiration to […]


Dublin: Eviction Resistance and the Fight for Our City

Last week An Garda “Síochána” facilitated a violent and illegal eviction of a community space in Stoneybatter, serving as an apt reminder (if anyone had forgotten) that Dublin today is a city for property speculators and vulture funds, not a city for the people. Socialist-republicans were on the scene to defend the site and support […]


Dublin: PoppyWatch Patrols- Resist British Imperialism

Tonight, for the 5th consecutive year, Socialist Republicans in Dublin launched the annual PoppyWatch Patrols, aiming to keep the City free of the blood stained symbols of British Imperialism and to challenge those who would raise money for British Terrorists. Members of the Kevin Barry Patrol covered an area including North King Street, Capel Street, […]


Breaking News- Grup Yorum in Dublin

As part of their forthcoming Irish tour, Anti Imperialist Action Ireland are honoured to host the internationally renowned Socialist Band, Grup Yorum, known for their defiant resistance against the Turkish State. Join us as we honour the Grup Yorum Hungerstrikers Helin Bolek and Ibrahim Gobçek, on the 40th anniversary of the 1981 Hungerstrike. On Friday […]


Kevin Barry: ‘Soldier of the Irish Republic’

Today marks the 101 anniversary of the execution of IRA Volunteer Kevin Barry. To mark that event, a young Socialist Republican has penned the following tribute in his honour. On Sunday November 7, Socialist Republicans in Carlow will host the annual Vol. Kevin Barry commemoration at 1pm in Rathvilly. Bígí Ann. Introduction Kevin Barry was […]


Provisional Sinn Féin, Special Courts and Counter Revolution

The decision by Provisional Sinn Féin to endorse the use of Special non-jury Courts by the Free State administration this weekend came as no surprise to Revolutionary Socialist Republicans, not least because PSF have endorsed Britain’s non-jury Diplock courts in occupied Ireland for many years and have enthusiastically administered that statelet on behalf of British […]


Cork: Terence MacSwiney- ‘I Die a Soldier of the Irish Republic’

IRA Volunteer Terence MacSwiney gave his life for Irish Freedom on October 25 1920, following 74 days on Hungerstrike. Today, 101 years after his death, Anti Imperialist Action Ireland proudly Remember him. Born 28 March 1879, Terence MacSwiney was one of 8 children living in his home in Cork city and at the age of […]


Carlow: Annual Vol. Kevin Barry Commemoration

The Annual Socialist Republican Commemoration in honour of Vol. Kevin Barry will assemble at 1pm, at the Kevin Barry Memorial, Rathvilly, Co. Carlow on Sunday November 7, 2021. Join us as we honour a Revolutionary Youth who gave his life for the All Ireland Republic Proclaimed in 1916. ‘Hold on and stick to the Republic’- […]


Armagh: Hungerstrike Memorial Unveiled

Socialist Republicans in Keady, Co. Armagh have unveiled a memorial to the 1981 Hunger strikers. The memorial includes portraits of the 10 H-Block Martyrs and an information board. “40 years since they died for a 32 County Gaelic Socialist Republic. Don’t accept any less, don’t let them down!”


Belfast: Revolutionary Reading Group Established

A new Marxist-Leninist-Maoist reading group has recently been established in Belfast, Occupied Ireland, with Revolutionary Socialist Republicans amongst those in attendance. Activists attending the reading group have begun studying the Marxism-Leninism-Maoisn Basic Course. This document is written by the Communist Party of India (Maoist) and is used as a study guide for their cadre. The […]


Armagh: Republican Protest forces the Cancellation of English Royal Visit!

England’s Queen has cancelled a much hyped visit to occupied Ireland, days after it emerged that British Crown Forces were concerned for her safety. A Spokesperson for the Socialist Republican Group Anti Imperialist Action Ireland has said, ‘The commander in chief of the British Military has now cancelled a controversial visit to Ireland. Attempting to […]


British Imperialists Eye Up More Irish Natural Resources

As Capitalist energy producers switch their attention to capturing Renewable Energy markets, British Imperialism has its eyes firmly set on conquering control of the generation Irish wind power, particularly off shore wind power. British Imperialists have advanced plans to move into the off shore wind power generation in Ireland and have floated plans for joint […]


Armagh: A Spectre is Haunting the British Occupation. That Spectre is Anti Imperialism!

As British Imperialism prepares to celebrate its ongoing occupation 100 years after partition, with a ceremony in Armagh, Occupied Ireland, it has been revealed that the Occupation forces are on high alert due to the opposition to the event from local Anti Imperialists. The Ulster Gazette and Armagh Standard writes that British Crown Forces ‘are […]