
Trolling Takfiri twitter with the Nimr Tiger

We were delighted to chat with a well-known Twitter user @Souria4Syrians also known as the Nimr Tiger. The interview had to be conducted over text to maintain anonymity. The video and transcript are included here. You are famous for trolling jihadi and other groups such as the YPG. Could you tell us about these groups? […]


VISUP on British Deep Politics

We spoke with conspiracy researcher VISUP about various elements of the British deep state. First we chatted about the Orange Order and how its organisational model has been applied in other contexts. Next we talked about the political maneuverings and chaos that lead ultimately to Margaret Thatcher. Then we talked about the history and development […]


Campaign Against Colonialism- Tear Down the Genocide Queen

This week, Irish Socialist Republicans relaunched the Campaign Against Colonialism with a number of Direct Actions in Dún Laoghaire. Yesterday evening Anti Imperialist Action and Macradh activists staged a number of direct actions against the symbols of English Colonialism. For the first action, the Socialist Republicans unveiled a large banner on the ‘Victoria Fountain ’ […]


Who Controls Policing In Ireland?

Britain’s ‘Security Service’, Military Intelligence Five is active across all 32 Counties of Ireland and controls policing on an All Ireland Basis. In the Occupied Six Counties its operations are based out of Palace Barracks, while in the Free State it operates from the Garda Headquarters in the Phoenix Park, under the leadership of Drew […]


AIA participate in Mass Anti Racism Demo at US Embassy

Irish Socialist Republicans participated in yesterday’s Black Lives Matter demonstration at the US Embassy in Dublin in a demonstration of solidarity with the oppressed Black Brown And Native People of North America.  Members of Anti Imperialist Action Ireland and Macradh- ISR Youth attended the event forming a Socialist Republican Bloc, carrying Starry Plough Flags and […]


Patxi Ruiz Solidarity Demonstration Dublin- Day 27

Anti Imperialist Action Ireland and Macradh- ISR Youth attended today’s solidarity vigil in Dublin to mark the 27th day of Patxi Ruiz’s Hungerstrike. The numbers for this event have grown week on week as Socialists, Republicans and Anarchists work together to raise the plight of the Basque Political Prisoners. As a result the event has […]


We Demand Justice for the Craigavon 2.

Why? Because not 1 strand of evidence exists to keep both innocent men imprisoned. The Craigavon 2, are Irish citizens, Brendan McConville and John Paul Wootton, both men were dragged before a British Occupation juryless Court and falsely sentenced for fatally shooting British PSNI officer Stephen Carroll on March 9th 2009.  The shooting took place […]


Ní Óglaigh na hÉireann iad na Fórsaí Cosanta

le Proinsias Ó Riain  Grúpaí san alt seo  • An tArm Poblachtach na hÉireann – (An tIRA) • An tArm Náisiúnta (Arm an tSaorstáit)  • Na Fórsaí Cosanta (Arm na bhFiche Sé Chontae sa lá atá inniu) • Óglaigh na hÉireann (An grúpa a bhunaíodh i gcoinne na hÓglaigh Uladh i 1913) • Óglaigh Uladh (An grúpa a bhunaíodh i gcoinne Féinrialú).  […]


Support Patxi Ruiz and the Basque Struggle for Freedom and Socialism

Basque Political Prisoner Patxi Ruiz is now on Hungerstrike 22 days. For 12 of those days he had also engaged in a thirst strike against the inhuman prison conditions imposed by the spainish state and is demanding a return to the Basque Country and an amnesty for Basque Political Prisoners. The revisionists leadership of ‘Sortu’ […]


Dublin Solidarity Vigil with Grup Yorum and Palestinian Political Prisoners

This afternoon, Anti Imperialist Action Ireland held a solidarity Vigil in support of #GrupYorum, the ongoing Turkish Hungerstrike and Palestinian Political Prisoners. The plan had been to hold the event at the Turkish and Zionist Embassy’s in Ballsbridge, However the Free State demonstrated their support for Turkish Fascism and Zionism Placing a ring of steel […]


Unmasking St George

The real George Orwell Orwell is held up today as a far-seeing prophet, a brave truth-teller and a moral giant of socialism. References to his Orwellian genius are made by progressives, socialists, libertarians, conservatives and intellectuals daily. The Guardian declared his novel ‘1984’ the “definitive book of the 20th century”. Orwell is “the most important […]


The Katyn Massacre mystery

We spoke with Professor Grover Furr on the topic of the Katyn Massacre. The Katyn Massacre was a mass execution of Polish prisoners which happened near the Katyn forest during World War II. The bodies of thousands of Polish prisoners were supposedly “discovered” by Nazi Germany in 1943. However this “discovery” happened just after their […]


Loch gCál, agus Maochas

                   Le Proinsias Ó Riain  Téann an streachailt ar son saoirse náisiúnta agus sóisialachas le chéile Is minic a deirtear gur ‘streachailt in aghaidh na Breataine amháin ab é an coimhlint sna Sé Chontae’. Bíonn an anailís seo ráite ag staraithe ón Breatain iad féin nó ag Iar-Sasanaigh sna bhFiche Sé Chontae. Mar ghrúpa a chreideann […]


Marxist movie making and the Corona Crisis with PROLEKULT

we spoke with Marxist media platform PROLEKULT about how they produce engaging communist visual content and analysis. we also asked them about what is happening with the coronas crisis, including the UK government response and the impending financial crash – as well as what our political response should be. Prolekult is a Marxist film, writing […]