
Western Sahara Speaks: Report from Public Meeting

Earlier this evening Anti Imperialist Action Ireland hosted an online public meeting entitled Western Sahara Speaks, focusing on the armed struggle in the North African Country against the Moroccan Occupation. The meeting began with a short video outlining the history of Western Sahara. This was followed by four speakers at the 2 hour long meeting, […]


Slave Resistance and rebellion in the “new world”

We spoke with revolutionary activist and historian Haki Shakur about the history and legacy of rebellion and revolt of enslaved Africans taken to the “new world”. Some of the questions discussed included: 1. Could you give us an idea of the size and scale of slavery in the Americas: when were Africans kidnapped and taken to […]


Eco Socialist Republicanism: A Discussion

•The following is a discussion piece written by a member of Anti Imperialist Action Ireland• It is by now clear to anyone with their eyes open that imperialism and its system of industrial capitalist is murdering our planet. The continuation of that system is an existential threat to all. The fight for socialism today, therefore, […]


Western Sahara Speaks- Public Zoom Meeting

Western Sahara Speaks- Public Zoom Meeting The people of Western Sahara have been fighting for freedom from Moroccan occupation since 1975, and before that against Spanish colonialism. The majority of the Saharawi people now live in refugee camps in Algeria, or kept out of the majority of Western Sahara by a wall built by the […]


UNITEd kingdom?- The British Trade Union promoting imperialism in Ireland

In recent weeks it was announced that a new British imperialist armed forces project was to be developed in Belfast worth 30 million pounds. Spirit Aerosystems in Belfast, which replaced the Bombardier Aerospace facility, is set to produce the first unmanned aircrafts for the British Royal Air Force. And key to the decision to build these death machines in Occupied Ireland was the British trade […]


AIA Educational: Peader O’Donnell, Socialist Republicanism and Cooperatives

AIA Ulster organise successful Peadar Ó’Donnell lecture Anti Imperialist Action in Ulster held a very successful online educational class with veteran Socialist Republican Bill O’Brien. The topic of the class was based on the history of co-operatives in Ireland especially in Glencolmcille in Co. Donegal, Bills friend and comrade Peadar Ó’Donnell and Socialist Republicanism in […]


US Imperialists Out of Shannon!

Figures recently released have revealed that more than 71,000 US troops passed through Shannon Airport in 2020. The Free State continues to facilitate US and NATO troops at Shannon despite the overwhelming opposition of the Irish Peopler to their presence. Anti Imperialist Action has consistently highlighted the fact that Shannon is now effectively a forward […]


Brit Militia Not Welcome- RUC/PSNI Out

Brit Militia Not Welcome! The RUC/PSNI are the shock Troops of the British Occupation. As a colonial militia their primary role is to uphold the illegal British occupation of Ireland. As part of their function, the RUC harass all those who continue to resist the Brit presence in Ireland Over the last forty years it […]


Interview with the Jeunes Révolutionaires: revolutionary youth of France

The Jeunes Révolutionaires or JR are the revolutionary youth movement of France. They have been at the front leading anti Capitalist, anti Fascist and anti Imperialist actions on the streets of France for several years. They have also been showing international solidarity to Ireland and many other struggles and the world, as well as conducting […]


What is Loyalism- Part 1

As the forces of Loyalism have mobilised in recent weeks, under the direction of British imperialism, to agitate for a hard border in Ireland, it is more important than ever to understand the true nature of Loyalism. This video produced by Anti Imperialist Action is the beginning of a Socialist Republican analysis of Loyalism, explaining […]


This Week in Struggle

The following is a roundup of some of the main activism by Irish Socialist Republicans in the past seven days Growing Presence In North County Dublin Activists in North County Dublin are continuing to build a presence fit the revolutionary movement and maintaining regular activity across the area. This week saw a range of stickers […]


Workers In Struggle: Support the Sheriff Street Building Workers

Members of Anti Imperialist Action Ireland attend a picket on Sheriff Street this morning in support of building workers who have been blacklisted from the area. Many big building contractors are undermining pay and conditions on sites by bringing in cheap Labour through agencies and are blacklisting workers who speak out against the practice. There […]


On the Deepening Corona Crisis and the Socialist Republican Alternative

In 2020 international imperialism entered a deeper financial crisis, with the contradictions being stretched almost to breaking point, especially at the peripheries. The Corona virus pandemic deepened this crisis but also provided international imperialism with the opportunity to implement some short-term measures to paper over the cracks, masking the crisis in imperialism and presenting the […]


AIA Condemn the So-Called Socialists Supporting British Imperialism in Ireland

The so called Socialist Party of Ireland has labeled all those apposed to the use of 100 British Army Combat medics in Irish Hospitals as sectarian. Such a statement demonstrates the inherently unionist position of the Socialist party and demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of Imperialism. It further exposes the active opposition of the […]