
The People’s History Of Ideas podcast

We spoke with researcher Matt Rothwell about his ongoing podcast series The People’s History Of Ideas. This is a podcast detailing the history of the revolutionary ideology of Maoism as it developed in China and spread around the world. The podcast explains the material and context in great depth, helping us to understand the material […]


“Thy Will Be Done” – evangelical imperialism in Latin America discussed by Hugo Turner

We spoke with anti-imperialist researcher Hugo Turner on a book and topic he has recently been looking into: ‘Thy Will Be Done’ – The Conquest of the Amazon : Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil. Hugo answered for us the following questions: How does corporate power shape government and academia? How has academia […]


Samee’s Story: a life ruined by French imperial death-squad capitalism

We recently came across this fantastic investigative journalism by 14 mm about the case of French multinational Lafarge and their investments in Syria. This is a case of imperialism, global capitalism, worker exploitation, contra death squads, impunity of global elite and the ruined lives they leave behind. The investigation is here: We got in […]


Fianna Fáil and the Bank and Tans

An opinion piece submitted by ‘The Mutineer’ The Return of Fianna Fáil – The Soldiers of Destiny?, or the Soldiers of Exploitation and Greed. The Free State has witnessed a ‘Lazarus’ moment with the return of the most corrupt political party, whose cauldron is full to the brim with crony and comprador capitalism.  Fianna Fáil […]


Interview with Tjen Folket Media

We recently spoke with Maoist political organisation of Norway Tjen Folket (Serve The People) Media. They provided us with an overview of their history, a description of their mass work, and some of their analysis of imperialism and social-democracy in Norway. A chara, could you give us a brief history of your organisation? Firstly, I […]


Analysis of the Non-Profit Industrial Complex

We conducted this interview with a group who are ‘exposing the truth of the non-profit industrial complex, the consulting industry, media, unions, politicians and entitled progressives’. Non-profits, NGOs, social enterprises and foundations have been performing an aggressive hostile takeover of radical campaigns for decades. They are one of the largest industries in the world and […]


Republicans Take to the Street Against Extradition

On Saturday July 4, up to 100 people attended a stop the extradition of Liam Campbell protest in Dublin. The event jointly organised by Anti Imperialist Action Ireland and Macradh ISR Youth was attended by members of the Campbell family, Independent Republicans, Anarchists and a number of other Republican organisations including Saoradh, Republican Sinn Féin […]


Support Irish and International Political Prisoners

Members of Anti Imperialist Action Ireland and Macradh- ISR Youth attended today’s Picket in support of Irish and International Political Prisoners in Dublin. The event was organised by the Anti Internment Group of Ireland and took place at the junction of Henry Street was Liffey Street, outside the Ilac Centre. There was strong support from […]


It is right to tear down reactionaries. Hands of our patriot dead!

The Uprising in the US following the police murder of George Floyd has seen actions to attack and tear down the statues of racist cops, Confederate soldiers and genocidal colonizers. As the rebellion spread beyond US borders, Black protesters of Bristol city in Britain tore down the statue of slave trader Colston. This is good […]


Trolling Takfiri twitter with the Nimr Tiger

We were delighted to chat with a well-known Twitter user @Souria4Syrians also known as the Nimr Tiger. The interview had to be conducted over text to maintain anonymity. The video and transcript are included here. You are famous for trolling jihadi and other groups such as the YPG. Could you tell us about these groups? […]


VISUP on British Deep Politics

We spoke with conspiracy researcher VISUP about various elements of the British deep state. First we chatted about the Orange Order and how its organisational model has been applied in other contexts. Next we talked about the political maneuverings and chaos that lead ultimately to Margaret Thatcher. Then we talked about the history and development […]


Campaign Against Colonialism- Tear Down the Genocide Queen

This week, Irish Socialist Republicans relaunched the Campaign Against Colonialism with a number of Direct Actions in Dún Laoghaire. Yesterday evening Anti Imperialist Action and Macradh activists staged a number of direct actions against the symbols of English Colonialism. For the first action, the Socialist Republicans unveiled a large banner on the ‘Victoria Fountain ’ […]


Who Controls Policing In Ireland?

Britain’s ‘Security Service’, Military Intelligence Five is active across all 32 Counties of Ireland and controls policing on an All Ireland Basis. In the Occupied Six Counties its operations are based out of Palace Barracks, while in the Free State it operates from the Garda Headquarters in the Phoenix Park, under the leadership of Drew […]


AIA participate in Mass Anti Racism Demo at US Embassy

Irish Socialist Republicans participated in yesterday’s Black Lives Matter demonstration at the US Embassy in Dublin in a demonstration of solidarity with the oppressed Black Brown And Native People of North America.  Members of Anti Imperialist Action Ireland and Macradh- ISR Youth attended the event forming a Socialist Republican Bloc, carrying Starry Plough Flags and […]