
Drew Harris = MI5

The writing is on the walls in Donaghmede on Dublin’s Northside. Drew Harris the free state police chief is an MI5 agent whose role is to ensure Brit Imperialist control of policing on an All Ireland basis. Harris has openly admitted that he views Republicans as enemy number one and he is responsible for overseeing […]


This Week In Struggle

A brief round up of some of the key actions engaged in by members and supporters of Anti Imperialist Action this week: Kevin Barry Honoured in Dublin Irish Socialist Republicans held the annual candlelit vigil for Vol. Kevin Barry at the GPO on Monday November 2 in the shadow of Ireland’s ancient hero, Cú Chulainn. […]


Volunteer Kevin Barry Remembered in Carlow

There was a great turn out in Rathvilly Co. Carlow today for the annual Vol. Kevin Barry Commemoration organised by the Seamus Costello Memorial Committee. Republicans gathered for the 100th Anniversary, traveling from Dublin, Wicklow, Wexford and across Carlow to honour the courage and sacrifice of Kevin Barry, executed by British Imperialism 100 years ago […]


Organise the disciplined Working Class and strike for Freedom & Socialism!

On November 4 Anti Imperialist Action unveiled a new mural in Dublin. The following is the full statement read at the event: Anti Imperialist Action extends greetings to our comrades, friends and supporters in Ireland and around the world. We send our solidarity to all Revolutionary organisation fighting capitalism and imperialism and all revolutionary prisoners […]


1970: Socialist Republican Spectacular in the British House of Commons

On November 5 1605, Guy Fawkes was arrested as part of the gun powder plot to blow up the English Parliament. In the years since then and particularly in the 20th century, Irish republicans have made the House of Commons in London a regular target in the ongoing struggle for National Liberation. In 1918, Cathal […]


AIA launch 3F’s Housing Action Campaign in Dublin

Housing Direct Action in Dublin Anti Imperialist Action in Dublin have launched a new Revolutionary Housing Action Campaign and like the Land League of old, we are fighting for the 3F’s: Fair Rents 2. Fuck Evictions and 3. Funding Public Housing The first direct action of the campaign took place in Ballyfermot, were members of […]


Anti Imperialist Action Picket O’Neill’s Sportswear in Dublin

Earlier today members of Anti Imperialist Action held a picket on the offices of O’Neills Sportswear in Walkinstown Dublin, to highlight that this well known company is providing sports kits and equipment to the British Military. Those at the picket held placards that read: ‘ Ó’Neills Sportswear- Stop Collaborating with the British Occupation in Ireland’. […]


PoppyWatchPatrols – Go Ahead: Economic and Cultural Imperialism Challenged

Earlier today, Members of Anti Imperialist Action mounted a lighting Picket on the Brit Imperialist Company GO Ahead, at their Ballymount Depot. The purpose of the Picket was to highlight the economic and cultural imperialism engaged in by Go Ahead in Ireland, and to protest the wearing of Poppies by the management team at the […]


Brit Imperialist Poppies Burned in Bray, County Wicklow

As part of the ongoing #PoppyWatchPatrols campaign,  members of Anti Imperialist Action this week confiscated Brit Imperialist Poppy Wreaths in Bray County Wicklow, and burned them.  The Poppy Wreaths were set on fire while a Socialist Republican unfurled the Flag of the All Ireland Republic that flew over the GPO in 1916.  A spokesperson for […]


This Week in Struggle

The following is a roundup of the main activism engaged in by Irish Socialist Republicans this week, October 26- November 1. O’Neills Collaboration with Brit Imperialism Exposed On Monday October 26 Anti Imperialist Action exposed that O’Neills Sportswear is collaborating with the British forces of occupation by providing kits to the Brit Military. Full statement […]


J Sakai on Kitson’s counterinsurgency techniques

This is an exerpt from a talk given by j sakai on the Basic Politics of Movement Security, discussing how good security in revolutionary movements stems from good politics. The following is a section from where Sakai discusses Brit General Frank Kitson, a leading counterinsurgent who helped to crush revolutions in Kenya and Malaya and was […]


Kevin Barry Mural, Dublin

To mark the 100th Anniversary of the execution by British Imperialism of Vol. Kevin Barry, H Company 1st Battalion, Dublin Brigade, Irish Republican Army, members of Anti Imperialist Action Ireland’s Dublin Comhairle Ceantair erected a temporary wall mural close to Mountjoy Prison earlier today, to commemorate the courage and sacrifice of Kevin Barry in the […]


The Greysteel Massacre

AIA remembers the 17th anniversary of the Greysteel massacre when the Ulster Defence Association (UDA) using the cover name the Ulster Freedom Fighters (UFF) murdered eight Catholics and Protestants in Greysteel, Co. Derry. Steve Irwin who was convicted of the murders would go on to make links with British fascists in Combat 18 and the […]


British control of the Far Right in Ireland

The far right is controlled and financed by British imperialism      Síol na hÉireann (SnahÉ) with Niall McConnell as leader is a fascist organisation which was set up by Scottish loyalist Jim Dowson. SnahÉ sell t-shirts on their website of Eoin O’Duffy, the leader of the Blueshirt movement from the 1930s with the slogan ‘Unrepentant […]