
Socialist Republican 10-day rolling solidarity fast with Grup Yorum

#GrupYorum #Solidarity #Deathfast #HungerStrike #BobbySands #Turkey #fascism Irish Socialist Republicans have launched a solidarity fast in support of the demands of the Turkish Revolutionary band Grup Yorum and the Hunger Striking Prisoner Ibrahim Göçek Over the next ten days members of Anti Imperialist Action Ireland and supporters of the campaign will stage consecutive 24 hour […]

The Formation of Republican Congress

March-September 1934. From the late 1920s, the Irish Republican Army began to move decidedly towards Socialism. In 1931 the IRA Army Council established a new Socialist Republican, over ground Political Organisation, Saor Éire.  Saor Éire was to be a rallying point for the workers and small farmers disaffected by the continuing Free State Counter Revolution, […]


Socialist Republican Radio on MI5 takeover of the Gardaí & the Irish language

On this weeks show, comrades from Belfast and Dublin discuss:  •The direct control of the Free State Police by MI5 and British Imperialism •Moves to bring the British Army out from their Barracks and back to the frontline of the Occupation in the Six Counties •The need to build a United Front to combat and […]


This Week In Struggle

The following is a roundup of some of the main activism undertaken by Socialist Republican activists this week: On the Frontline fighting Homelessness Socialist Republican Activists in Dublin remain on the frontline fighting homelessness and the wanton neglect of the most vulnerable in society by the Free State Counter Revolution. This week our activists exposed […]


Macradh: Women in Struggle Interviews

This week Macradh-ISR Youth’s Women in Struggle series continues, with an interview with Kim, a member of the Revolutionary Youth Movement Q1.Can you tell us a bit about yourself and what inspired you to get involved in revolutionary politics? 1.My name is Kim , I’m an activist in Macradh-ISR Youth. The whole reason I got […]

Remembering Volunteer Seamus McElwain

IRA Volunteer and Guerrilla leader, Seamus McElwain was born on April 1st 1960, to a Republican family in Knockacullion, close to Scotstown and Knockatallon in North County Monaghan, not far from Britain’s illegal border in Ireland.  From a young age Seamus was aware of the continuing injustice of partition and British Occupation and in 1974, at age […]


The Republic of New Afrika

An interview with Comrade Haki Shakur about the history and development of the Republic of New Afrika. Brother Haki Shakur is the National Spokesman and Minister of Information of the ATC-August Third Collective organization. Which is Cadre of the NAIM (New Afrikan Independence Movement) founded by Comrad Sanyika Shakur and political prisoners. Haki Shakur a […]


The Hero-Myth, counterinsurgency and the CIA: interview with Doug Valentine

We were privileged to interview foremost researcher of the CIA Doug Valentine about storytelling and how its used to oppress and resist

Build an active Boycott of Capitalist and Imperialist Parliament And Elections!

There is no difference between any of the political parties in Leinster House, or with those that aspire to be in Leinster House. This is clearly demonstrated by the ‘unity’ administration being put together between Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael. By unity, they do not mean the unity of our people, but the unity of […]


Gladio, WACL, Fascism and the CIA

We interview anti-imperialist researcher Hugo Turner on the topics of Operation Gladio the World Anti-Communist League, Fascism and the CIA/MI6 – and how all of these entities interact together to shape our world. Very important practical information that all revolutionaries must be aware of!


Socialist Republican Radio April 2020

Relaunched Socialist Republican Radio in a new format including interviews and a panel discussion. On this April 2020 show, we speak to Seán who is involved in organising the All Ireland Rent and Mortgage Strike about that Campaign and the fight against landlords. Then we have a discussion with Liam, one of the editors of […]


This Week In Struggle

Despite the ongoing restrictions imposed by British Imperialism and the Free State Garrison Class in response to the Coronavirus, Irish Socialist Republicans continue to agitate, educate and organise in our communities for National Liberation and Socialist Revolution. The following is a brief round up of some of the main, but by no means all, of […]


Lá Idirnáisiúnta na nOibrithe

Le Proinsias Ó Riain Is é an chéad lá Mí Bealtaine Lá Idirnáisiúnta na nOibrithe. Tá go leor ainmneacha ag an lá seo, Lá Bealtaine, Lá na nOibrithe srl. Is lá saoire poiblí é Lá Idirnáisiúnta na nOibrithe i dtíortha ar fud an domhain. Déanfaidh an ailt seo anailís ar stair an ócáid Haymarket, agus […]

Macradh: Women in Struggle Interviews

As a Proletarian Feminist and Revolutionary Youth Movement, Macradh believes in encouraging the full participation of women in the revolutionary struggle. As part of our work to highlight the role of women in the revolution and to encourage more, especially young women to become involved in the struggle for National Liberation and Socialist Revolution, Macradh […]