
British Imperialism is Directing Violent Loyalism

In recent days members of Anti Imperialist Action have been on the ground in North and West Belfast, prepared to defend vulnerable Nationalist communities from the violence orchestrated by the Loyalist Communities Council (LCC), a coordinating body for the Loyaist Death Squads. During this passed week, it has become increasingly clear to our membership that […]


Fortress Britain

It is clear now that the section of the British capitalist class that has come out victorious from the struggle following Brexit is the most viciously imperialist and nationalistic the Empire has to offer. Flag waving jingoism, Boris’ pasty face filling the air waves, uncritical celebrations of colonialism, racist rhetoric on full display: the British […]


Republicans Must Stand Together to Defend Communities- AIA

Following 8 days of loyalist violence, facilitated by British Imperialism, Republican Communities across the occupied six counties are facing into a long weekend and are making preparations to defend their communities from sectarian attack. Sectarianism is a tool of British Imperialism in Ireland and the loyalists are being let of the leash to stoke sectarianism […]


Loyalist Violence Facilitated By British Imperialism

Anti Imperialist Action Ireland commend the youth of Republican Belfast who are tonight defending their community against a violent sectarian attack coordinated by Loyalist Death Squads and facilitated by British Crown Forces. In our Easter Statement less then a week ago, Irish Socialist Republicans stated, ‘sections of the Brit establishment, working through the DUP and […]


Easter Oration Bray- Sean Doyle

Annual Easter Commemoration, Bray 03/04/21 By Sean Doyle  Freedoms Sons  Today we are here making our Annual Easter  Commemoration at the graveside of Seamus Costello, his 44 th anniversary. Also making the 40 th anniversary of the 1981 Hunger Strike, culminating in the deaths of 10 of Irelands finest young sons. In the tradition of many before them, resolute and determined, […]


Socialist Republican Easter Commemorations 2021- Anti Imperialist Action Ireland

The following is a roundup of the Programme of events organized by Socialist Republicans to mark the 105th anniversary of the 1916 Rising. Events took place across Ireland and Scotland to honour the men and women of every generation who have fought and died for National Liberation and Socialist Revolution and for the All Ireland People’s […]


Easter Statement/ Ráiteas Cásca 2021

EASTER STATEMENT 2021 FROM THE LEADERSHIP OF IRISH SOCIALIST REPUBLICANS On the 105th anniversary of the 1916 Rising, the leadership of Irish Socialist Republicans extends greetings to our members and supporters at home and abroad. In particular, we extend Revolutionary greetings to our comrades in Anti Imperialist Action Ireland and Macradh. We send greetings to […]


Masters and Pastors – Conclusion

By Sean Doyle26.03.2021 We concluded part 3 with the church throwing the weight of their position against the revolutionary movement for the freedom of Ireland. Reflecting on this article of 3 parts, with the gift of hindsight, when O’Higgins said about foundations not yet laid, and called the elected Republican government of 1918 “wild men […]


Palestinian Land Day: Uphold the Right of Return!

Anti Imperialist Action Ireland extends our Revolutionary Solidarity to the our comrades, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, to the Palestinian National Resistance and to the People of Palestine on Palestinian Land Day.  On Land Day we assert that the Zionist entity has no right to exist and that the land of Palestine […]


Direct Action on Greedy Co. Wicklow Land-grabber.

This Land is Your Land- This Land is My Land! For a number of years the owners of Arklow Holidays Caravan Park in Co. Wicklow have barricaded off public access to Arklow’s North Beach in attempt to land-grab the coast and deny the community its right to walk and fish the Co. Wicklow Coastline. Coast […]


Honour Ireland’s Patriot Dead- Wear an Easter Lily!

The Easter Lily is a symbol of resistance worn by Irish Republicans to honour the men and women of every generation who have fought for Irish Freedom. Designed by Cumann na mBan in 1926, the Easter Lily includes the National Colours and is a symbol of the renewal of the Republican Struggle. Over the years, […]


What is Loyalism? -Part 2

This video produced by Anti Imperialist Action is Part Two in the ongoing series exploring the nature and history of Loyalism. This part deals with the early years of the Orange State, militarisation, gerrymandering, the Outdoor Relief Riots, the Second World War and the Border Campaign. 2021 marks the 100 year anniversary of the artificial […]


Masters and Pastors- Part 3

The following is part three is a series of articles by Irish Socialist Republican Seán Doyle, conclusion to follow. 17/03/2021 We concluded part 2 talking about Ernie O’Malley and his quote referencing the church as being a powerful and hidden influence. Now let’s take a look for a moment at Michael Collins. His moment of power and […]


Masters and Pastors- Part 2

08.03.2021  The second in a 3 part series by Irish Socialist Republican Sean Doyle Just to recap on the conclusion of part 1, The government of the Republic, due to British and native hostilities threatened by their joint force, had but one option, to set about to destroy the treaty with an immediate war against […]