
The Communist party of Peru

Irish Socialist Republicans have produced this video on the Communist party of Peru. The PCP led the most powerful revolution in recent history and are a model for future revolution for people around the world today. The documentary features a mix of clips from other documentaries made about the PCP as well as news footage featuring activities of the […]


International Workers Day Demonstration Dublin 2021- For a Red May Day!

International Workers Day Demonstration Dublin 2021- For a Red May Day! To mark International Workers Day 2021, members of Anti Imperialist Action joined members of the Connolly Youth Movement for a defiant march through Dublin City Centre in an act of Working Class Resistance asserting our right to protest. Led by a banner emblazoned with […]


Some considerations for the “Rape of Berlin” alleged to spoil celebrations of May Day

May 1 is International Workers Day, a celebration for socialists and communists. It has been declared such since 1889. In 1945 during the last days of the Nazi Reich, Stalin gave special orders to capture the Reichstag – the seat of Nazi power for 12 years prior and a powerful symbol of communist victory – […]


Garda facilitate Imperialist Scabs at Debenhams

Anti Imperialist Action activists were on the ground yesterday to oppose the latest Free State attack on the working class in collusion with imperialist vultures KPMG. At around 11am a call out was made on social media from the Debenhams workers declaring a red alert and that Garda were mobilising in numbers outside the Henry […]


Build the All Ireland Campaign for a British Withdrawal Now- AIA

In recent days British Imperialism has made clear that it has no intention of leaving Ireland. Comments from the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson have highlighted that the British government remains a unionist one and that its focus is on strengthening the British Occupation in Ireland, not ending it. Johnson’s comments come at a time […]


Free State Demonstrates its Subservience to British Imperialism

The slavish decision by the Free State Garrison Class to fly the Tricolour at half-mast to mark the death of the imperialist Philip Mountbatten, once again demonstrates the colonial subservience of the Free state to British Imperialism. Speaking from Dublin, a spokesperson for Anti Imperialist Action Ireland said, ‘The people of Ireland are not in […]


Stop the Extradition of Irish Republicans

Anti Imperialist Action Ireland condemn in the strongest terms the political decision made by the Free State Establishment to extradite Dublin Republican Ciaran Maguire to a British Torture Camp in Ireland at Maghabery Gaol. We extend our solidarity to Ciaran and his family and to his comrades in Saoradh and the IRPWA at this time. […]


Illegal Eviction Resisted in Dublin

This afternoon following a call out by CATU, AIA activists were in attendance at an attempted eviction at St Joseph’s Place in Phibsboro, Dublin. The landlord, his son and 4 hired security thugs were responsible. They reportedly arrived in the morning and removed the single tenant from his home, assaulting and pushing him out of […]


A Return of Sectarian Pogroms?

Following a week of Loyalist Violence direct by British Imperialism, it has now emerged that Loyalist Paramilitaries in Carrickfergus have ordered residents suspected of being catholic to leave the area. Demonstrating that these are no idle threats, at least three homes have come under attack by the death squads this week, with windows and doors […]


British Army Special Forces Move to Frontline Role in Ireland

The British Forces of Occupation have announced that the SAS linked Special Reconnaissance Regiment has been moved to a frontline role to assist MI5 in gathering intelligence against those deemed to be a threat to the British Occupation. The shadowy unit who have a liscence to Kill, will now have free reign to target Republican […]


British Imperialism is Directing Violent Loyalism

In recent days members of Anti Imperialist Action have been on the ground in North and West Belfast, prepared to defend vulnerable Nationalist communities from the violence orchestrated by the Loyalist Communities Council (LCC), a coordinating body for the Loyaist Death Squads. During this passed week, it has become increasingly clear to our membership that […]


Fortress Britain

It is clear now that the section of the British capitalist class that has come out victorious from the struggle following Brexit is the most viciously imperialist and nationalistic the Empire has to offer. Flag waving jingoism, Boris’ pasty face filling the air waves, uncritical celebrations of colonialism, racist rhetoric on full display: the British […]


Republicans Must Stand Together to Defend Communities- AIA

Following 8 days of loyalist violence, facilitated by British Imperialism, Republican Communities across the occupied six counties are facing into a long weekend and are making preparations to defend their communities from sectarian attack. Sectarianism is a tool of British Imperialism in Ireland and the loyalists are being let of the leash to stoke sectarianism […]


Loyalist Violence Facilitated By British Imperialism

Anti Imperialist Action Ireland commend the youth of Republican Belfast who are tonight defending their community against a violent sectarian attack coordinated by Loyalist Death Squads and facilitated by British Crown Forces. In our Easter Statement less then a week ago, Irish Socialist Republicans stated, ‘sections of the Brit establishment, working through the DUP and […]