
Republicans must oppose designation of Armagh as a ‘UK city of culture’.

The Socialist Republican Organisation, Anti Imperialist Action Ireland is calling on all Republicans to oppose the designation of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon as a ‘UK City of Culture’. Speaking from Armagh, a spokesperson for the group said, ‘Armagh is not part of the UK. Armagh remains one of the 6 counties that form part […]


Pro British Death Squads Still Active

Unionist Death Squad – The Glenanne Gang member Garfield Beattie has been found guilty of sending a threatening letter to a woman whose Father was murdered by him and his Loyalist gang in an attempt to have her drop legal proceedings against him. Denise Mullen’s father Denis was shot dead by the Unionist Death Squad […]


A Sinn Féin Government is A Rich Man’s Government

The rise of Sinn Féin as an electoral force in the 26 counties has grown out of the same formula that Fianna Fáil had perfected in the 1930s: constitutional nationalism combined with broad appeals to make sweeping reforms to improve the lives of the masses.  Now that it appears Sinn Féin’s popularity is assured, among […]


On Imperialist Data Centres and Power Cuts in the Free State

Eamon Ryan, Free State Minister for the Environment, has admitted that this winter will see rolling blackouts all over. What is more, it is being admitted that there will be an energy crisis that could last up to 4 years. The key driver in this process is the imperialist data centres that have sprung up […]


40th Anniversary of 1981 Hungerstrike marked in Dublin

On Saturday September 25, a large crowd gathered in Dublin for the Socialist Republican Commemoration of the 1981 Hungerstrike. Revolutionary Republicans from across Ireland had come together on the anniversary of the first Republican Hungerstrike Martyr Thomas Ashe to March to his grave in the Republican plot Glasnevin Cemetery, where there is also a monument […]


“Pay no rent! The land for the people!” – visiting Captain Boycott

Pay no rent!  The land for the people! – the slogan of the Land League in the 1880s In 1880 the people of Mayo began to shun the cruel landlord Captain Boycott, forcing him to relent in his depredations and giving us the modern word.  Captain Boycott was the local agent of English absentee landlords, […]



The competing imperialist powers took a step closer to war this week with the launch of AUKUS, a strategic partnership between US and British Imperialism and Australia, aimed at asserting western imperialism in the South Asian Sea, and specifically targeted at fighting against the dominance of Chinese Social Imperialism in the area. While there is […]


Remembering Anne Devlin, Wicklow’s Heroic and Greatest Rebel

Anne Devlin was one of seven children born to Winifred Byrne and Bryan Devlin from Cronebeg near Aughrim in Co Wicklow in 1780. When Anne was a small child the family moved to a dairy farm at Corballis, Rathdrum Co Wicklow. The people who knew Anne found her highly educated, spirited and intelligent and a […]


No Royal Visits!

Break the Connection with Imperialism- No Royal Visits- Britain Get Out of Ireland! It has been announced that Elizabeth Windsor, the self styled Queen of England, is to attend an event in Armagh, Occupied Ireland on October 21, that will see British Imperialism mark 100 years of the illegal and ongoing Partition in Ireland. That […]


Pal Zappone and the Political Frankenstein

Recently released WhatsApp screenshots have given the public a rare glimpse into the corrupt inner workings of the free state regime, and how it interlocks with global imperialism.  The revelations centre around scandal-ridden former minister Katherine ‘Capone’ Zappone and her quest to leverage her ‘service’ into a lucrative position within the worldwide NGO apparatus.  Zappone […]


For Sovereignty and Self Determination- Britain Get Out Of Ireland

On this day in 1994, as a key part of Britain’s ongoing pacification process in Ireland, the leadership of the Provisionals announced a full cessation of military operations, largely without consultation with Volunteers across the country. From midnight on August 31 1994, all military operations were to be stopped, a decision that took the majority […]


Day of Action against US Imperialism in Galway

Anti Imperialist Action Ireland held a day of action in Galway today against US Imperialism in Ireland, highlighting the presence of the US War Machine in Ireland. Starting with a campaign stall on Shop Street, the Socialist Republican activists distributed hundreds of leaflets engaging passers by on the issue with a very enthusiastic reception from […]


Socialist Republican Commemoration- 40th Anniversary of the 1981 Hungerstrikes

To mark the 40th Anniversary of the 1981 Hungerstrike, Socialist Republicans are organising a commemoration in Dublin on Saturday September 25, 2021. The event will assemble at 1pm at Phibsborough Shoppong Centre, for a March to the grave of the first Republican Hungerstriker, Thomas Ashe, in the Republican Plot, Glasnevin, who’s anniversary also occurs on […]


Afghanistan: A Major Defeat for Western Imperialism

The seemingly endless imperialist war in Afghanistan has finally concluded after more than 20 years of senseless slaughter. The fall of the NATO puppet regime in Afghanistan this week has been spectacular, the sight of fleeing Afghanis falling to their deaths while trying to cling to fleeing American airplanes a potent symbol of the disaster. […]