
Join AIA Dundalk

Following a period of growth in the area Anti Imperialist Action is currently recruiting in Dundalk. Dundalk has a proud history of Socialist Republicanism so if your living in the area and want to play your part get in touch with us today. Anti Imperialist Action are actively rebuilding the struggle for National Liberation and […]


Gaeilge sa nGluaiseacht

Le déanaí bhí Gníomh Frith-Impiriúlach na hÉireann ag déanamh ár ndícheall an teanga a chur chun cinn ar fud fad na tíre agus úsáid na teanga a spreagadh sa ngluaiseacht chomh maith. Creidimid mar ghrúpa frith-impiriúlach go bhfuil sé thar a bheith tábhachtach go ndéanann muid iarracht chun úsáid laethúil na Gaeilge a spreagadh in […]


1981 Hungerstrike Educational Resources

As part of our year long campaign to commemorate the 1981 Hungerstrike, Anti Imperialist Action is putting together this list of educational resources on one of the most important events in Republican History. This list will be updated throughout the year and we hope it will be a useful resource for all who want to […]


‘For what died the children of ‘69’?

The following is an oration by Sean Doyle of the Wicklow 1981 Hunger Strike Commemoration Committee, delivered at the Billy Byrne Monument, Wicklow Town on the 11th May 2013. As hunger strike has been one of our much recourse for justice through the centuries against British occupation’s relentless quest to criminalise our freedom struggle it reminds me of […]


This Week in Struggle

The following is a roundup of the main Socialist Republican Activism Across the Country this Week Remember the Hungerstrikers- Fight for the Republic! On Monday Jan 18 our Dublin South City Coiste were out in Ballyfermot erecting posters to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the 1981 Hungerstrike As our activists were putting up posters they […]


Tallaght- End Anti Social Behavior Campaign

As part of an End Anti Social Behavior Campaign, members of Anti Imperialist Action held a community foot patrol in the Mac Uilliam estate in Tallaght. Local Socialist Republicans organised the patrol following a discussion with residents, in and effort to discourage anti social behavior in the community which is being carried out by a […]


Interview with maoist publisher FLP

The Foreign Languages Press is a publishing house founded in 2016. They believe in the necessity of providing the broadest possible access to revolutionary literature at an affordable cost. FLP publish books based on our understanding of the current needs and challenges that the International Communist Movement is facing. We spoke with one of the Comrades […]


1919-2021 #Our Mandate #Our Republic

On this day in 1921 An Chéad Dáil Éireann met in the Mansion House in Dublin and established the All Ireland People’s Republic, that had been Proclaimed in Arms at Easter 1916. The Republic was established in defiance of the Imperialist Occupation of Ireland asserting our right to freedom and self determination and it is […]


James Connolly and the Broad Front

Between January 19- 22nd 1916, that Irish Socialist Republican Leader James Connolly, Commandant of the Irish Citizen Army, entered into three days of extensive discussions with the Military Council of the Irish Republican Brotherhood on plans for a rising against British Rule. While Connolly and the Citizen Army had for sometime openly building towards armed […]


This week in Struggle

Direct Action Against Brit Imperialists On Monday January 11 Anti Imperialists carried out a direct action at a Brit Military facility in South Belfast. During the course of the action Brit security cameras, which are used in surveillance against the community were disabled. Building Support in Dublin’s North City On Tuesday members of AIAs Dublin […]


Free Ahmad Sa’adat!

Free Ahmad Sa’adat- Saoirse Don Phalaistín! Anti Imperialist Action Ireland will be taking part in the annual week of solidarity to demand freedom for the imprisoned General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Ahmad Sa’adat. The week of events is coordinated by our comrades Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network Over the […]


Neo-Zapatista: A model for Socialist Republicans to learn from?

Today Anti Imperialist Action publishes an opinion piece written by a member of the mass organisation on the Zapatista Movement. As with all opinion pieces published on our site, opinion pieces do not necessarily reflect the views of AIA but by publishing we hope to encourages discussion and debate at the Republican Base The Zapatista […]


Staid na Gaeilge 2021

De réir suirbhé san Irish Examiner inniu deirtear go bhfuil 28% den daonra na Saorstáite muiníneach in a gcumas chun Gaeilge a labhairt. Creidimid na huimhreacha seo agus is nuacht dearfach iad na figiúirí seo. Áfach caithfidh muid a rá gur teip leanúnach é an córas oideachais ó thaobh na Gaeilge de agus is léir […]


The Sinn Fein-led campaign for a British Border Poll, making partition “democratic” and an “agreed Ireland”.

This year will see the one hundredth anniversary of the establishment of “Northern Ireland” a British colonial state imposed on the Irish people and with it the partition of the historic Irish nation and people. The so called Government of Ireland Act 1920 created a Protestant parliament for a protestant people and a 26 county […]