
AIA Organise Day of Action for Liam Campbell

On Friday September 4, members of Anti Imperialist Action organised a day of action in support of Liam Campbell and against the Extradition of Irish Republicans. The first actions of the day took place in Bray County Wicklow and DĂºn Laoghaire, County Dublin, where Irish Socialist Republican activists distributed hundreds of campaign leaflets and very […]


#Our Mandate #OurRepublic Reclaim the Irish Republic that countless martys gave their blood for !

Liam Mellows’ speech against the Treaty, delivered in Dail Éireann, January 4, 1922. “The delegates, I repeat, had no power to sign away the rights of Ireland and the Irish Republic. They had no mandate to sign away the independence of this country as this Treaty does. They had no power to agree to anything […]


Criminal links of the Irish far-right exposed

In Dublin on 22 August 2020, the fascist National Party employed a mob of violent criminals, drug dealers and soccer hooligans to assault with weapons a small unarmed group of anti-fascist/racist/homophobia protesters at a Yellow Vest “anti-mask” rally. The assault (with illegal weapons like knives, metal bars and batons) was carried out with the permission […]


Doug Valentine on how he conducts research

We spoke with legendary research Doug Valentine about how he goes about investigating the world of covert operations and CIA intrigues. Distinguishing between disinfo, misinfo, limited hangouts, false flags and the truth is difficult in an environment where everything is deniable and nothing will be admitted. Researchers of these conspiracies can easily fall into traps […]


Watching Justice, Watching You- Mi5, Denis McFadden and NGOs.

(The following article has been sent to this page and is not a reflection on anyone mentioned in the article. It is only to inform readers to the background of Denis McFadden and to the facts) According to their website Justice Watch Ireland “is dedicated to protecting human rights and the civil liberties of all […]


Campaign against Internment and Extradition – #KeepLiamHome #FreeGeorgesAbdallah

The Great Sugarloaf ( Ă“ Cualann) Challenge.Hike and Poc Fada against Internment and Extradition. In Solidarity with Georges Abdallah and Liam Campbell and all Revolutionary Political Hostages. September 19, 2020 at 1pm.Assemble at the Kilmacanogue 1916 Commemorative Garden.Co. Wicklow. Please show your support for the Free Georges Abdallah campaign and the Liam Campbell anti extradition […]


Latest Liam Campbell stickers hit Dublin streets

The latest Stop the Extradition of Liam Campbell Campaign stickers produced by Anti Imperialist Action have now hit the streets of Dublin. If you’d like some stickers to put up in your area then contact us on Facebook or twitter #KeepLiamHome


Far Right Confronted and Humiliated in Dublin

On Saturday August 8, the Far Right were confronted by a United Front of Republicans and Anarchists and humiliated on the streets of Dublin. As Republicans and other progressives gathered at a rally on O’Connell Bridge to mark the anniversary of the introduction of Internment by Britain in 1971, organised by Saoradh, a small group […]


Ukrainian fascism & resistance with Russell ‘Texas’ Bentley

We had a chat recently with Russell “Texas” Bentley who is an American communist who has been living and fighting in the Donbass region of Eastern Ukraine/Novirossia since 2014. Russell gave us a update on the situation in the region: the spirit of the people, the Ukrainian army and their fascist mercenaries, some international links […]


Starry Plough Martial Arts- Don’t Destroy Yourself, Destroy Your Enemy

The Starry Plough Martial Arts Club has started back training in Dublin after a break due to Covid-19. Starry Plough Martial Arts trains Socialist Republicans to defend ourselves and our communities and puts an emphasis on developing Revolutionary Physical Culture in the Republican Movement and in Working Class Communities. The motto of the club is […]


‘On Ireland’s Neo-Blueshirts, and Attempts to Hijack Republicanism’

  By Prionsias Ă“ Riain Intro This article was written in the aftermath of the vandalism of IRA Chief of Staff SeĂ¡n Russell’s statue in Fairview North Dublin with spraypaint. This was not the first time that the Russell statue was attacked, in 1953, two years after it was first unveiled, the statue was targeted […]


China and US Power with Tony Norfield

We spoke with Marxist analyst and former financial trader Tony Norfield about China vs US power contention and contradictions. Tony wrote about this in a recent article so we went over the topics covered: The interview is here: We ask Tony a few other questions afterwards: Many thanks to Tony for this informative chat. […]


Howth Gun Running Remembered in Dublin

Yesterday, on the 106th Anniversary of the Howth Gun Running, scores of Republicans gathered at the East Pier in Howth to commemorate one of the key events in the lead up to the 1916 Rising. Led by the a section of the Socialist Republican Colour Party, the parade made its way along the pier to […]


Ireland’s History Not For Sale!

Socialist Republicans from Anti Imperialist Action and Saoradh and some Independent Revolutionary Socialists held a Direct Action Against the auction of our history, staging a symbolic occupation of the Free Masons Hall where the shameful auction of our history is being held. After the Occupation, a demonstration was held outside with chants of our history […]