
Direct Action at a Brit Military Base in Belfast

Socialist Republicans from Anti Imperialist Action took direct action against a British army training corps installation in South Belfast as part of the #Britsoutnow campaign. In the course of the direct action AIA activists disabled Brit Army security cameras so that the Republican message of Go Home British soldiers could covertly be plastered on the […]


The Week in Struggle

Anti Imperialist Action Ireland have hit the ground running in 2021 with activism taking place across a large number of Coiste areas. The following is a roundup of some of the key actions taken so far this month Solidarity with Palestine Kicking off the year on January 3rd members of our Comhairle Ceantair Áth Cliath […]


‘Fuck Soldier F’

As part of the All Ireland #BritsOutNow campaign, members of Anti Imperialist Action in Co.Wicklow pasted up ‘Fuck Soldier F’ posters across the county. Explaining the action, an activist on that ground said, ‘British Para – Soldier F, the PsycoTan, is responsible for murdering at least 4 civil rights and anti Internment marchers and wounding […]


Brit War Wreaths Rebranded in Belfast

As part of the #BritsOutNow campaign Irish Socialist Republican activists recently rebranded Brit War Wreaths in Belfast Anti Imperialist Action Ireland is building a People’s campaign against the British occupation across the country. If you are living in Belfast or anywhere else and want to play your part in the struggle for National Liberation and […]


Socialist Republican Activism in New Ross

In recent days, Socialist Republican Activists in New Ross have been on the streets building the Socialist Republican Alternative and have erected the latest AIA stickers across the Co. Wexford town. New Ross has a proud Republican and Working Class History. Anti Imperialist Action is rebuilding the struggle for National Liberation and Socialist Revolution across […]



2021 marks the 40th Anniversary of the 1981 Hungerstrike, a seminal moment in the struggle for National Liberation and Socialist Revolution in Ireland. In 1981, 10 Republican Soldiers, Volunteers of the IRA and INLA gave their lives on Hungerstrike fighting British attempts to criminalise the cause of Irish Freedom. Throughout this year Irish Socialist Republicans […]


Republicanism or Blueshirtism

“The right to the control of the material resources of a nation does not reside in any individual or in any class of individuals; it resides in the whole people and can be lawfully exercised only by those to whom it is delegated by the whole people, and in the manner in which the whole […]


AIA attend George Nkencho protests in Dublin

Members of Anti Imperialist Action Ireland were proud to stand alongside the community protesting outside the Garda Station in Blanchardstown this morning, where up to 70 people gathered to protest the unjust killing of George Nkencho on the 30th of December by armed Free State police. Social distancing and hygiene was observed. A number of […]


Solidarity With Palestine!

Members of our Comhairle Ceantair Áth Cliath, demonstrating solidarity with the Palestinian National Resistance and demanding Freedom for Comrade Ahmad Sa’adat, the imprisoned General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. This month with see Anti Imperialist Action organise a number of events to demand freedom for Ahmad Sa’adat as part of […]


Reject Britain’s Border Poll- Rebuild the All Ireland People’s Republic!

AIA – For National Liberation & Socialist Revolution Anti Imperialist Action Ireland is an all Ireland Socialist Republican mass organisation formed three years ago. Our position is that Ireland is both a colony and a semi-colony. It is a colony in that the British government forcibly occupy six counties of Ireland while maintaining indirect control […]


30th Anniversary of Irish Republican Leader Dáithí Ó’ Conaill

by Seán Murray Today marks the 30th anniversary of the untimely death of  Republican giant Dáithí Ó Conaill on New Year’s Day 1991. A disciplined revolutionary who never compromised on his principles.  Dáithí came from a strong Cork Republican family. His uncle Michael O’Sullivan (17) was a member of the Cork Brigade IRA and was bayoneted […]


Irish Socialist Republican New Year Statement 2021

The Leadership of Irish Socialist Republicans extends greetings to our members, supporters, comrades and friends at home and abroad. In particular we extend our New Year Greetings to Anti Imperialist Action Ireland and Macradh- Irish Socialist Republican Youth and salute your ongoing commitment to rebuilding the All Ireland People’s Republic and the struggle for National […]


Vol. Dessie Grew and Mao’s Little Red Book

A new book on the Irish Socialist Republican Dessie Grew, entitled ‘Dessie’ Scholar- Socialist- Revolutionary, confirms that this prominent Guerrilla Commander was a student of, and deeply influenced by Chairman Mao. In a chapter of the book entitled ‘Emigration and Return’, a story is recalled of a young Dessie delivering political orations at the speakers […]


Hot Off the Press- The Socialist Republican

* Hot Off The Press!!!* The latest edition of #TheSocialistRepublican is now available for €5 plus p&p This edition, giving a voice to Socialist Republicans across Ireland, covers a number of key topics to the struggle of National Liberation and Socialist Revolution in Ireland including: • The Fight Against Fascism• Revolution Not Reform• Anti RUC/PSNI […]